
Showing posts from February, 2024

Eradicate The Baseness of Pride From The Heart

  ‘Abu Hashem’   the Sufi has said: – “It is easier to dig up a mountain from the root with the point of a needle, than to eradicate the baseness of pride from the heart:- Verses: Boast not of having no pride, because it is more invisible Than the mark of an ant’s foot on a black rock in a dark night; Think it not easy to extirpate it from thy heart For, it is more easy to root up a mountain from the earth with a needle,

عمران خان کی شخصیت کا طلسماتی سحر

 موجودہ الیکشن ۲۰۲۴ نے یہ ثابت کر دیا ہے کہ عمران خان ایک کرشمہ ساز قیادت بن چکی ہے جس کی شخصیت کے طلسماتی سحر میں نوجوان نسل جکڑ چکی ہے۔ وہ ایک مذہب کی طرح سورما بن چکا ہے جس کو نہ تو قید و بند کی صعوبتیں ختم کر سکتی ہیں نہ سرکاری کی پابندیاں اور نہ ہی اس کی کردار سازی کسی کام آ سکتی ہے۔ یہ سب اس کے ورکروں کے لیے بے کار ثابت ہوئی ہیں۔ اس کی جماعت کا انتخابی نشان چھین لینے کے باوجود اس کی اکثریت یہ ثابت کرتی ہے کہ پانی سر سے گذر چکا ہے۔ مسلم لیگ ن اور پیپلز پارٹی اور دوسری جماعتیں ایک چلے ہوئے کارتوس کی طرح بے ضرر ہیں۔ پاکستانی سیاست اصولوں اور منشور کے بغیر شخصیت پرستی پر چلتی ہے۔ورلڈ کپ جیتنے سے لے کر اب تک وہ ایک ایسی شخصیت بن چکا ہے جس کے سحر کو توڑنا ناممکن نظر آتا ہے۔ اس کے غلط فیصلے ، تباہ کن معاشی اور سیاسی پالیسیاں، گمراہ کن مذہبی بیانات بھی کچھ نہ بگاڑ سکے۔ اس کا ہر غلط قدم بھی اس کے لیے اچھا ثابت ہوا اور اس کا اس کو خود بھی یقین تھا کہ آپ اس کا کچھ نہیں بگاڑ سکتے۔ شاید یہ اسی حد سے زیادہ اندھا یقین ہی اس کے ورکروں کا بھا گیا ہے۔ عمران خان اور اس کی جماعت سیاسی جماعت ...

Confused Thinking Patterns

There are three qualities within every human being that determine his/her sufferings and happiness. The first attribute is his/her 'thinking' pattern. The pattern of thinking determine his/her words and actions. This is how he/she uses his/her words.  These words help to act and got response from other. The harmony between these three  create a balance in personality. When there is a lack of coordination among intention, words, and actions; anxiety and confusion arise within his mind. This confusion hinders his/her decisions and blur his/her thinking. Some people follow them unconsciously and live a balanced life.  But others unconsciously suffer from lack of coordination among his intention, words and actions and suffer a lot. Whether it is office or home, government or any office, there must be a balance in these  In the era of digital technology, many messages, words and concepts are created in chaos , which creates obstacles in creating harmony in thinking, words...

A Blind Man Holding A Lamp In His Hand

A blind man walked in the night, holding a lamp, and carrying a jar on his back. A captious fellow who met him said : —” O ignorant man ! Day and night are the same to thee, and so are light and darkness to thy eyes ; then what is the use of this lamp ? ” The blind man replied, laughing :—” This lamp is not for me, but for thyself, who art blind at heart and heedless, that thou mayest not knock against me and break my jar.”

A Question of Antidotes

  A Man had an acre of land in which he used to grow corn. In harvest time his corn-field was devastated by insects, so he was obliged to breed frogs in the field to eat them up. In course of time the frogs grew so numerous that he could not enter the field without being molested by them. He therefore had to import some snakes to eat up the frogs. They again grew so many in number in a few years that the man had to give up cultivating field but gradually invaded his house, which was near by.  Then one by one his whole family, including himself, fell victim to the poisonous bites of these venomous creatures.

Reasons Of Extremism

This essay is based on my personal learning.  I have been working with religious extremists for the past several years to reduce extremism. I learned from my experience, observation and discussion that people are not extremists in the beginning. He is like a clean slate. But his environment, education, community, media and socialization make his ideas become beliefs with the power of conviction. They do not have the ability to listen to opposing views. It has to do with reading the same books from childhood to adulthood in the same environment and with the same ideas. Such a person is never agreed with those who challenge his views as this makes him feel that he is wrong and that his beliefs are crumbling. And he wants to defend his belief by all kinds of defence. It is such a condition that a person must have patience, tolerance and confidence to change. However, this also involves the risk that the convert may be subjected to torture, so he must be in control of his words. Word c...

Result Of Modern Economic Theories

Brilliant minds developed complex economic and development theories. These economic theories consciously or unconsciously lead to  ‘dead trap’ of  development. Flow of wealth is pouring from pockets of poor into  pockets of rich .  ‘ Tax evasion’, ‘corruption’ and ‘ abuse of government’  are key methods of ‘money trail’  abroad. They have contributed directly to economic inequality and hampered growth specifically in poor countries. Many economists won noble prize on their economic discoveries. It seems they were awarded due to their  innovation methods of wealth accumulation into hands of few.  As a result of these theories ‘inequality’  can be observed.  Governments of poor countries have sold their assets on the name of private public partnership to increase efficiency. These economic theories helped to accelerate  the speed of ‘Environmental Degradation’. Disease, wars, migrations, conflicts, insecurity are output of these fancy...

Loneliness: Future of mankind

There is already a shortage of jobs. We are alienated and unconcerned about how severe it will be in the future. It seems that ‘Ignorance of the future scenario’, corruption of government institutions and greed of educational institutions will sink everyone. Holes are already visible in the boat in which we are traveling in the ocean of the future. The sad thing is that instead of repairing these holes, we are all widening it, so the chances of all of us drowning are also increasing. What will children who are born today do when they will grown up into young adults in 2050 with no such thing as a job? This is a question that I don’t even have an answer too. Are educational institutions preparing their students to find jobs in the age of cyborgs, data algorithms, bioengineering and artificial intelligence? While all these are being developed to eliminate jobs and replace humans. I may be wrong in this assumption and calculation but I can guess that we are living in the past and not in t...