
Showing posts with the label Lao Tzu

Excessive Ambitions

Excessive ambitions necessarily entail great sacrifices. Much hoarding must be followed by heavy loss. He who knows when he has enough will not be put to shame. Such a man can look forward to long life.

Warning against the use of force

 He who by Tao purposes to help the ruler of men Will oppose all conquest by force of arms. For such things are wont to rebound. Where armies are, thorns and brambles grow, The raising of a great host Is followed by a year of dearth. Therefore a good general effects his purpose and stops.     He dares not rely upon the strength of arms; Effects his purpose and does not glory in it; Effects his purpose and does not take pride in it;     Effects his purpose as a regrettable necessity;     Effects his purpose but does not love violence. For things age after reaching their prime. That (violence) would be against the Tao. And he who is against the Tao perishes young. 


  Of the best rulers     The people (only) know that they exist;     The next best they love and praise;     The next they fear;     And the next they revile.     When they do not command the people's faith,     Some will lose faith in them,     And then they resort to oath!     But (of the best) when their task is accomplished,      Their work done,     The people will remark, "We have done it ourselves."

Abandon learning; then one has no sorrow

Abandon learning; then one has no sorrow. Between "yes" and "no," what is difference? Between good and evil, what is difference? If I should fear what the people fear, Then where is the end of my fear? Lustily the people seem to be enjoying a feast Or ascending a tower in the springtime. I alone am unmoved, showing no sentiment, Like a baby who does not yet know how to smile. So weary, I seem not to know where to return. While the multitudes have plenty, I alone seem to be left out. My heart is like a fool's. How chaotic! Chaotic! While the common people are so bright, I alone am so dull! While the common people know how to differentiate, I alone cannot see the difference.

Action without Deeds

 Exalt not the wise     So that the people shall not scheme and contend: Prize not rare objects,     So that the people shall not steal; Shut out from sight the things of desire,     So that the people's hearts shall not be disturbed. Therefore in the government of the Sage:     He keeps empty their hearts     Make full their bellies,     Discourage their ambitions,     Strengthens their frames So that the people may be purified of their thoughts and desires. And the cunning ones shall not presume to interfere.     By action without deeds     May all live in peace.