Result Of Modern Economic Theories
Brilliant minds developed complex economic and development theories. These economic theories consciously or unconsciously lead to ‘dead trap’ of development. Flow of wealth is pouring from pockets of poor into pockets of rich . ‘ Tax evasion’, ‘corruption’ and ‘ abuse of government’ are key methods of ‘money trail’ abroad. They have contributed directly to economic inequality and hampered growth specifically in poor countries.
Many economists won noble prize on their economic discoveries. It seems they were awarded due to their innovation methods of wealth accumulation into hands of few. As a result of these theories ‘inequality’ can be observed. Governments of poor countries have sold their assets on the name of private public partnership to increase efficiency.
These economic theories helped to accelerate the speed of ‘Environmental Degradation’. Disease, wars, migrations, conflicts, insecurity are output of these fancy and complex economic theories. Balance and equilibrium of nature has already been disturbed through pumping water, oil and other natural gases.
According to principle of thermodynamics, fire and heat are generated when fuel is burnt. When energy is released at one point it is consumed at another point. When you see ‘super development’ at one place be sure exploitation of human and physical resources are taking place in another place.
All people need food and love. Bread and dignity. But there is no scope for such kind of thought in modern economic theories. Economic development is based on greed and lust. It is like empty bottom of basket. All items of universe cannot fill it. There is no concept of balance food and nutrition. According to WHO, there are two forms of poor nutrition: undernutrition or over-nutrition. Children with big belly is now considered malnourished too. Mostly they belong to rich families.
Fertile lands are being used for constructions, roads, and mega projects. Earth is unable to absorb rainy water therefore water level is going down. After polluting clean drinking water of nature, artificial water filtering plants are recommended. After destroying organic foods, artificial and health hazard methods are recommended to increase crops. People are suffering not due to lack of resources but due to greedy elites and aggressive policies of economists to subdue nature.
This is not question of growth, development and super-development but way of thinking towards nature. There is a need to control human greed. This is the only solution to save this planet.
” Knowledge is like a garden,
If it is not cultivated,
It cannot be harvested”
(Guinean Proverb)
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