Loneliness: Future of mankind
There is already a shortage of jobs. We are alienated and unconcerned about how severe it will be in the future. It seems that ‘Ignorance of the future scenario’, corruption of government institutions and greed of educational institutions will sink everyone. Holes are already visible in the boat in which we are traveling in the ocean of the future. The sad thing is that instead of repairing these holes, we are all widening it, so the chances of all of us drowning are also increasing.
What will children who are born today do when they will grown up into young adults in 2050 with no such thing as a job? This is a question that I don’t even have an answer too. Are educational institutions preparing their students to find jobs in the age of cyborgs, data algorithms, bioengineering and artificial intelligence? While all these are being developed to eliminate jobs and replace humans.
I may be wrong in this assumption and calculation but I can guess that we are living in the past and not in the future. We know that the ‘technological revolution’ will soon push millions of educated youth out of the job market and create a huge new unemployed class that will lead to social and political upheaval. No theory or planning is there to handle them. There are just policies and speculations. At present all debates in forums and conferences is abstract and absurd, but the future may not be as absurd as we understand it now.
People have no idea what the job market will be like in the future. Banks, automation trains, driverless cars, artificial intelligence, drones, robots and machines will have replaced humans. Even in our imagination, such a future will not exist. We do not realize that we are on the verge of terrible changes and transformation. Although humans have so far been successfully competing with machines with their physical and cognitive innovations. But the new era may be different.
We already know that we don’t trust humans but trust Google or Wikipedia to download. Thus, if we analyse the whole scenario, we can easily find that in the long run they will not have any job market, even the artist will not be able to get a job even though art is related to human emotions. But in the new word, external algorithms will be able to understand and human emotions will also be distorted by machines that will be able to recognize our desires even without expressing them clearly.
That way, people will trust the algorithm more than themselves, and so they will be able to instruct the algorithm which doctors and psychiatrists you trust. For example, if your boyfriend or girlfriend made you sad, the algorithm will suggest you go through the five stages of grief:
(a) First step will help you , “Don’t worry, be happy.”
(b) The second step will ensure you ” control your anger.”
(c) Third step will encourage you with sense of companionship through ‘Don’t Leave Me Alone.”
(d) And fourth step will help you pull out of your depression through “Somebody’s Gonna Like You
(e) The last step will help you through this “I’ll survive” and finally accept the situation.
Finally, the algorithm will learn how to use your biometric data to compose whole tunes based on human emotions. And you will realize that you are the only person on this earth with special tastes and emotions.
Look at this Facebook, it has started creating personalised art for you based on your data and trends. If a guy’s friend or girlfriend leaves a person, Facebook tries to play this type of songs to that particular person so that his heart can be soothed and he can forget the grief of this bad guy. This song will remind you of the true love story that no one else in the world knows about.
Now there is a need to understand the job market in which I fear our children may be left out of the job market. Instead of getting the shirt made in Dhaka/New Delhi/Lahore etc and shipping it all the way to the US, you can buy the shirt code online from Amazon and have it printed in New York
All the rest can be done by a 3-D printing centre. Now if you want to complain, you’ll be able to tell Google or I Cloud’s online AI representatives. These brands from Lahore will eventually be sold in California or any other city that controls it. The question arises, what will the people of third world countries do?
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