The Gates of Paradise

There was once a good man. He had spent his whole life in cultivating the qualities enjoined upon those who would reach Paradise. He gave freely to the poor, he loved his fellow creatures and he served them. Remembering the need to have patience, he endured great and unexpected hardships, often for the sake of others. He made journeys in search of knowledge. His humility and exemplary behaviour were such that his repute as a wise man and good citizen resounded from the East to the West, and from the North to the South. All these qualities he did indeed exercise-whenever he remembered to do so. But he had one shortcoming, and that was 'heedlessness'. This tendency was not strong on him, and he considered that, balanced against the other things which he did practise, it could only be regarded as a small fault. There were some poor people whom he did not help, because time to time he was insensitive to their needs. Love and service, too, was sometimes forgotten when what he though...