
Showing posts with the label Japanese Wisdom

The Flame

There is a story, perhaps apocryphal, said to be told in Japan. An American tourist is being shown around a shrine; he and his guide come to a light burning on a kind of altar. “That flame” quavers the aged Oriental custodian, “has been burning for a thousand years ...” The American leans over and blows it out. “Well, it’s stopped now, hasn’t it?”

Out Today

  Once the Master closed his gate and on it pasted a sign that read, "Out Today," meanwhile sauntering back and forth in his front yard. Once a certain samurai official of his acquaintance passed by and, noticing the Master, went to open the gate and greeted him. "Your Reverence," he called ou, " I haven't seen you in some time. How have you been?" In reply, Sengai merely pointed to the sing and told the samurai, "Please read what it says." "But, Your reverence," the samurai pleaded, "you 're here, aren't you? You must just be kidding." Sengai dismissed him with a wave of his hand. "That sign," he reminded the samurai, "says I'm out. It's true as anything can be."

Shame on You

The Master asked a monk, "How old are you?" The monk replied, "Thirty-One." The Master said, :At twenty-nine, the Buddha had already realised enlightenment, and here you are showing the same old face." The monk asked, "How old is Your Reverence?" The Master replied," Over eighty." "Shame on you!" the monk scolded him. The Master made a low bow.