Why The Dog Catches Foxes for Man?

When the Creator created the fox and the dog, the pair did not know how to live, and the fox went to the Creator and asked him. The Creator said, "You are to eat only meat! When you see meat, or something soft and living, eat it! But tell your comrade that he is to be his master's servant, to walk after him, guard his belongings and receive food from him. His life will be your death!" The fox went to the dog, who exclaimed, "What said the Creator?" "He said that I am to seek food on the steppe and eat what I find, but you will find a master; go after him and receive what he gives you. Your life will be my death. What does this mean-that your life will be my death?" It must mean that I and my master are to kill you." "Do not lie, idle boaster! The Creator did not say it, and do not impute such words to him." "It is true; no doubt he said that we should live by killing you." "Good-for nothing! the Creator did not speak thus!...