“The Lion’s Vengeance: A Tale from African Folklore”

Once an old lay had a very fine flock of sheep. She had fed and cared for them so well that they became famous for their fitness. In time a wicked wolf heard of them and determined to eat them. Night after night he stole up to the old dame's cottage and killed a sheep. The poor woman tried her best to save her animals from harm but failed. At last there was only one sheep left of all the flock. Their owner was very sad. She feared that it, too, would be taken away from her, in spite of all she could do. While she was grieving over the thought of this a lion came to her village. Seeing her sad face, he asked the reason of it. She soon told hi all about it. Her thereupon offered to do his best to punish the wicked wolf. He himself went to the place where the sheep was generally kept- while the latter was removed to another place. In the meantime the wolf was on his way to the cottage. As he came he met a fox. The fox was somewhat afraid of him and prepared to run away. The wolf, how...