The One Without The Other
It is recorded that a man went to 'Ahmad Yasavi', th
e Sufi Master of Turkestan, and said:
"Teach me without books, and let me learn to understand without the intervention of a master between me and Truth, for humans are frail, and reading books does not enlighten me."
'Yasavi' said: "Do you seek to each without a mouth, or to digest without a stomach? Perhaps you would like to walk without feet and buy without paying... I could do as you ask only if you could first dispense with physical organs, as you wish to avoid those things which have been devised for the spiritual organs.
'Just think for a moment whether you could use food without an apparatus, approach the Sufis without having heard of them in the words you so dislike, desire wisdom without a source appropriate to your state.'
'It may be an amusing pastime to think of learning without books as a basis, and experiencing without a teacher. So is it an amusing pastime to think of magic and miracles. Aside from the amusement, what of the permanent yield of the activity?'
[Source: The Seeker After the Truth, Idress Shah]
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