The Seeker’s Dilemma: Wisdom vs. Attachment

 A studious and dedicated seeker after truth arrived at the 'tekkia' of 'Bahaudin Naqashband.'

In accordance with custom, he attended the lectures and asked no question.

When Bahaudin at last said to him: "Ask something of me," this man said:

"Shah before I come to you I studied such-and-such a philosophy under so-and-so. Attracted by your repute I journeyed to your 'tekkia.'

"Hearing your addressed I have been impressed by what you are saying, and wish to continue my studies with you."

"But, since I have such gratitude and attachment to my former studies and teacher, I would like you either to explain their connection with your work, or else to make me forget them, so that I may continue without a divided mind."

'Bahaudin' said:

"I can do neither of these things. When I can do, however, is to inform you that one of the surest signs of human vanity is to be attached to a person, and to a creed, and to imagine that such attachment comes from a higher source. If a man becomes obsessed by sweetmeats, he would call them divine, if anyone would allow it.

"With this information you can learn wisdom. Without it, you can only learn attachment and call it grace."

"The man who needs information, always supposed that he needs wisdom. If he is really even a man of information, he will see that the next needs wisdom.

If he is a man of wisdom, he only then is free from the need for information."


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