The Lion’s Lesson: A Tale of Power and Wisdom
A lion took a wolf and a fox on a hunting excursion. They successfully caught a wild ox, an ibex, and a hare. The lion then instructed the wolf to divide the prey. The wolf suggested giving the ox to the lion, the ibex to himself, and the hare to the fox. The lion, enraged by the wolf’s presumption to speak of “I” and “Thou,” and “My share” and “Thy share,” when all rightfully belonged to the lion, killed the wolf with a single blow of his paw. Turning to the fox, the lion ordered him to make the division. The fox, wary of the wolf’s fate, declared that the entire catch should be the lion’s portion. Pleased with the fox’s self-abnegation, the lion gave everything to the fox, saying, “You are no longer a fox, but myself.”
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