Orpheus: A Tale of Love and Loss
Orpheus having his beloved wife snatched from him by sudden death, resolved upon descending to the infernal regions, to try if, by the power of his harp, he could re-obtain her. And in effect, he so appeased and soothed the infernal powers by the melody and sweetness of his harp and voice, that they indulged him the liberty of taking her back; on condition that she should follow him behind, and he not turn to look upon her till they came into open day. But he, through the impatience of his care and affection, and thinking himself almost past danger, at length looked him; whereby the condition was violated, and she again precipitated to Pluto's regions. From this time Orpheus grew pensive and sad, a hater of the sex, and went into solitude; where, by the same sweetness of his harp and voice, he first drew the wild beasts fo all sorts about him; so that, forgetting their natures, they were neither actuated by revenge, cruelty, lust, hunger, or the desire of prey; but stood gazing about him, in a tame and gently manner; listening attentively to his music. Nay, so great was the power and efficacy of his harmony, that it even caused the trees and stones to remove, and place themselves, in a regular manner, about him.
When he had for a time, and with great admiration, continued to do this, at length the Thracian women, raised by the instigation of Bacchus, first blew a deep and hoarse-sounding horn, in such an outrageous manner, that it quite drowned the music of Orpheus. And thus the power, which, as the link of their society, held all things in order, being dissolved, disturbance reigned anew; each creature returned to its own nature; and pursued and preyed upon its fellow, as before. The rocks and woods also started back to their former places; and even Orpheus himself was at last torn to pieces by these female furies, and his libs scattered all over the desert. But, in sorrow and revenge for his death, the river Helicon, scared to the muses, hid its waters under ground and rose again in other places.
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