That's the very question I was asking myself

Once Mulla entered into a vegetable garden. He collected such vegetables as he felt he required at the moment or might require later on. The gardener happened to come upon the scene, however; and speaking loudly, he inquired what the holy man was doing there. Without any hesitation, the Mulla replied mildly that the wind had blown him thither. 

The gardener then asked how it came to pass that those vegetables which belonged to him, the gardener, happened to be in the Mulla's hands, and how a number of other vegetables had managed to get stowed away in the Mulla's bosom.

In a benignant voice, Nasrudin answered, saying that the wind was so violent that, in trying to save himself from being overturned, he had caught at anything and everything which came in his way, with the result that those vegetables had got into his hands and into the breast of his garment.

"But what about these vegetables in the sack?" continued the gardener, whose manner was becoming decidedly impolite.

"Why no," quoth the saintly man, scratching his head in perplexity, "that's the very question I was asking myself just when you seized hold of me!"


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