“Unveiling Wisdom: The Art of Storytelling in Ancient Times”

In the days of R.Joshua ben Chananyah, the wicked ruler gave permission to rebuild the Temple. [But the Samaritans plotted against this and arranged that the condition should be that it should be rebuilt on a different site, which would destroy its sacro-sanctity. The Jews on receiving the message met in the Vale of Beth Rimon and midest tears and cries determined to disobey the Emperor's command. 'R. Joshua ben Chananya' was sent to quiet them.] He went to them and told them this fable:

"A lion had devoured a beast and a bone thereof stuck in his throat. He issued the proclamation, "Whoever will come and take out this bone for me, shall receive his reward."

An Egyptian partridge came by, which has a long beak: it put this into the lion's jaws and pulled out the bone. "Give me my reward," it thereupon said to the lion. 

"Go," answered he, "thou caust laugh and say that thou has gone in and out of a lion's jaws in safety."

So too we may rejoice, added the speaker, that we have been received into this nation and shall get out of it in safety.


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