Incomplete Palace
Once a king built for himself a palace adorned with much gilding, for the construction of which he paid one thousand dinars. When the decorations of this palace, like unto Paradise, were complete, it was embellished still further by the display of precious rugs.
From all corner of the World came people to present their homage to the king and bring him gifts, which they offered to him. The king then summoned his great men and chosen companions to come to him, and when they were seated, he said to them; "What do you think of this palace of mine? Is there anything left to desire in the way of beauty and perfection?" All of them united in saying, "None has ever seen or will see such a palace on the face of the earth."
Thereupon one person rose up and said: "O thou favourite of Fortune, there is one breach remaining in this palace, and it constitute a great defect. If the palace were not spoilt by this fault, it would serve as a gift for Paradise itself and the invisible world." "I do not see this breach, " said the king. "You are an ignorant man and you are seeking to stir up trouble." The man responded: "O thou who are filled with pride because of they royalty, know that they gap of which I speak is that by which the Angel of Death will pass through. Would that thou couldst close this gap, for otherwise of what use is this palace, or thy crown, or this throne? Although this palace be delightful as Paradise, death will make it disagreeable in thine eyes.
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