God's Response to Moses about Rich and Poor
The great lawgiver Moses was on his way to see God, to ask for guidance about his future work.
One the way he met a mendicant, who said:
'Where are you going, Moses?"
'I am on my way to see God.'
'When you see him, will you say that I am poor and that I do not know what to do to improve my condition?"
Moses undertook to ask.
Presently he came upon a very rich man, who asked:
"Where are you going, Moses?"
"To see God."
"When you do, will you ask him what I am to do?" I have too much money, and still he showers it upon me.
Moses agreed to ask.
'Eventually, Moses met God, and said:
'Lord! I have come to ask how I should carry on the work. And I have to ask for advice about two men whom I met on the way.'
He told God about the rich man and the poor man.
God said:
'O Moses! You ask me to tell you how to continue with your work. But in the cases of the rich and the poor me you did not do what you already knew was equitable: giving to the poor one the excess of the rich one. How can I tell you to do more, when you do not do what you are supposed to be doing already?"
[Seeker After Truth by Idrees Shah]
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