Boast No More My Friend!

 In a time not too long ago, there existed a Lamp, brimming with an excess of oil. It blazed fiercely, casting shadows that danced on the walls. In its pride, it declared, “Behold, my radiance outshines even the sun!”

However, fate had a lesson in store. A gust of wind, as sudden as it was swift, swept through the room. The Lamp, in all its glory, was snuffed out in an instant.

The owner of the Lamp, with a knowing smile, rekindled its flame. As the light flickered back to life, he gently admonished, “Let this be a lesson, dear Lamp. No more boasting. Be satisfied with your purpose, to illuminate in quiet dignity. Remember, even the stars above, in all their splendour, need to be reignited.”


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