Rule the state with rectitude

Rule the state with rectitude.

Direct the army with trickery.

Capture the world through inactivity.

How can I know it shall be so?

By this:

        When the world is full of taboos and prohibitions,

            The people will become very poor.

        When the people possess many sharp weapons,

            The nation will become more chaotic.

        When the people possess much craftiness,

            Trickery will flourish.

    When law and order become more conspicuous,

            There will be more robbers and thieves.

Therefore the Sage says:

        I do not act and the people reform themselves;

        I love serenity and the people rectify themselves;

        I employ inactivity and the people become prosperous

        I have no desires and the people become simple by themselves.

(Lao Tzu)


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