I cannot be younger than you

A camel, an ox, and a ram, while going together, found in the road a truss of hay. The ram said: "If we divide this amongst us, the share of each will hardly be sufficient to satisfy our hunger. Therefore, let him who is more aged than the others devour this fodder alone, for he deserves it. Let every one mention the date of his birth, and let preference be given to the oldest, while the others should give themselves to resignation."

On noticing their approval the ram continued: "I was contemporary of the ram who sacrificed by Abraham in lieu of his son Ismail."

The ox said: "I am much older, for I was a companion of the ox whom Adam employed in ploughing."

The camel, on hearing these words from the ram and the ox, was lost in astonishment. He, however, without wasting any time on words, lowed his head, picked up the truss of hay, and held it high up in the air. Then he said: "I do not think it is necessary for me, who have such a big body and such a long neck, to mention my age: for every one knows that I, with this body, cannot be younger than you."


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