
A Herdman's Dilemma: A Vow Rewritten

Once a Herdsman was tending his cattle when he missed a young Bull, one of the finest of the herd. He went at once to look for hi, but, meeting with no success in his search, he made a vow that, if he should discover the thief, he would sacrifice a calf to Jupiter. Continuing his search, he entered a thicket, where he presently espied a lion devouring the lost Bull. Terrified with fear, he raised his hands to heave and cried, "Great Jupiter, I vowed I would sacrifice a calf to thee if I should discover the thief; but now a full-grown Bull I promise thee if only I find myself escape unhurt from his clutches."

Exercise Patience

A friend said to me, "Exercise patience, for with patience you can do your work nicely and quickly. Patience brings the water again to the rivulet that has been dry, and makes a thing better than it was before." I replied, "Even if they water returns to the stream, of what use is it to the fish that has already died!" -Anwary, Wit, Humour and Fancy of Persia

No Rose without a Thorn

People say there is no narcissus with thorns, and no rose without a thorn, but I believe not what they say; because thy narcissus [i.e., eyes] is surrounded with thorns [i.e., the eyelashes], while around thy blossomed rose [the cheeks] there is not a single thorn.  -Moezzi, Wit, Humour and Fancy Of Persia

Obedience is a part of attention

If you cannot be obedient, you cannot learn anything. Obedience is a part of attention.  You must be obedient to your teacher. From the exercise of this obedience, you will be able to learn how dishonest your mind is.' The lament and supposedly repent of disobedience may be considered a worthy thing to do. It is worthy only for the unworthy: those who cannot aim any higher. If you are given a time, and you arrive at the place of your teacher early, you are highly greedy. If you arrive late, you are being disobedient. If your teacher indicates that for a time you shall not study, and even if he seems to neglect you, it is for a reason. This has often been done when study has become a vice with a person. To try to make him act otherwise towards you is an act of disobedience. 'Sholavi' relates: I first met my Guide when I was sixteen years of age. He agreed to teach me, and gave me three lessons. I did not see him, or even hear him, again until I was forty-one years old. His