
My Mother Cooks Better Than Your Mother

  'Mulla Nasrudin' and his wife were talking about their parents. ‘My mother can cook ever so well,’ said the ' Mulla .' ‘How can you say that?’ shrieked his wife. ‘My mother is a hundred times the better cook!’ Seeing red, ' Nasrudin ' grabbed the woman by the scruff of her neck and threw her out into the garden. ‘What are you doing?’ asked his neighbor. ‘There is little enough room in the house for two,’ explained ' Nasrudin'. ‘Four is just too many.’ ‘Four?’ ‘Yes, first there was just me and her, then my mother crept in and finally her mother also came to stay. The house was so crammed with them and their pots and pans, that my wife fell out of the door.’

How to Become Distinguished Person?

  'Zu Chang' asked Confucius: "What must a man do in order to be considered distinguished?" The Master replied: "What do you mean by the term distinguished?" 'Zu Chang' replied: "I mean one whose fame fill both his own private circle and the State at large." The Master said: "That is notoriety, not distinction. The man of true distinction is simple, honest, and lover of justice and duty. He weighs men's words and observes the expression of their faces." [Source: The Wisdom of China]

The Princely Man

 'Ssu-Ma Niu ' asked for a definition of the princely man to Confucius.  The Master said: "The princely man is one who knows neither grief nor fear."- Absence of grief and fear! Is it the mark of a princely man? The Master said: "If on a searching his heart he finds no guilt, why should he grieve? of what should he be afraid?"

A Gift from Tamerlane

To celebrate his birthday, ' Tamerlane ' presented each of his courtiers with a large box. As the advisers and nobility opened their presents, they found robes stitched with golden thread and set with precious gems. But when ' Nasrudin' , who had recently fallen from royal favor, unwrapped his gift he found an old donkey blanket inside. ‘Merciful Allah,’ he cried, ‘witness the generosity of Tamerlane', who has honored his servant with the coat off his own back.’